
Thursday, April 28, 2011

i m honestly a very very horrible person deep down inside. i've got so much bitchy thoughts inside that i should really be ashamed of myself =.="

saw someone's post in FB:

Having vegetarian dish with mummy and sis just downstair of my home brown rice veges all the way in the soup skelp vegy in honey vinegar lemon taste and tauhu base dish yum2 for lunch

and i went (in my head): HUH??? what??? what is she talking about??

then she continue with:

Hey thats my faviourite dish two time a dy lor its goody for lossing tummy weight and all emannuel bro with my mom shes particular in healthy food hehehe susan knows as well about my mom food advisorys and healthy bodys kekeke good for health,
Hey kenny thanks u too take care

say what???

how come she understand what she is writing ah? =.="

so the bitchy part of me is really really tempted to update status as: understand no no what you talk trying.... *confused*

but i didnt do it la. but the very fact that i have such bitchy thoughts makes me a horrible person :(

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